Piłkarski Talent

undefined Stephen Paddington M'bara
Nazwisko Paddington M'bara
Imię Stephen
Pseudonim Steve Mbara
Data Urodzenia 20.01.1987
Rocznik 1987
Wzrost 0
Narodowosc Uganda
Pozycja Obrońcy,Centre back,Right back
Klub Tower of Praise TV
Piłkarz Reprezentacji A Nie
Strona internetowa https://www.facebook.com/mbara.steve
Wyświetleń 12783
Stephen Paddington M'bara

Oceń piłkarza:

81 ratings ø 3.44

Info: Young very professional,honest and hard working utility player with various qualities. Brilliant player with the ability to win the ball and keep it and can play across defense line and is very confident. Two footed player with a powerful shot and great technique. Can take good free-kicks and great header of the ball. Good communicator and can organize defence line really well. (Fremgangabe)

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