Piłkarski Talent

undefined Scott Marra
Nazwisko Marra
Imię Scott
Pseudonim -
Data Urodzenia 03.09.1995
Rocznik 1995
Wzrost 130
Narodowosc Italy, United States
Pozycja Pomocnicy,Central midfielder,Midfield allrounder
Klub Ramapo Valley Soccer Club
Piłkarz Reprezentacji A Nie
Strona internetowa http://scottmarrasoccer.blogspot.com/
Wyświetleń 15570
Scott Marra

Oceń piłkarza:

115 ratings ø 2.78

Info: I have been playing soccer since i could walk ,my life is soccer. I manage to play soccer everyday, whether its with my club team, or by myself and i love it. Besides school, soccer is my main priorety in life. I dream to someday play soccer professionally. I prefer playing forward, but i can play defence also. Many coaches have told me i play great in both positions, so i geuss you can say i am an all around player. I can kick with both feet exceptionally well,and my best position is center midfield. I like controlling the game, at my pace, and reciveing and ditrubitng the ball. I am never shy of taking a shot when i think i have one. I am the smallest player in my school and i made the Junior Varsity team as a freshmen. I was welcomed to the team with a goal, the first game. I play for Ramapo Valley Soccer Club which is ranked 20 in NY.. I have gotten many college emails from prestige colleges such as Cornell, and the coach of Saint Thomas Aquanies 1. (Selbstangabe)

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