Piłkarski Talent

  1. Księga Klub
Burnley FC
Football Association English Football Association
Strona internetowa http://www.burnleyfc.com Piłka nożna Burnley FC
Wyświetleń 1702
Club rating 0

Other football talents from Burnley FC
Freddy Bruce Abodjé Yao  |  Enock Atta Agyei  |  André Joseph Ayodélé Odeku  |  Jaydon Amauri Banel  |  Phillip Anthony Bardsley  |  Joseph Michael Bauress  |  Louis Jordan Beyer  |  Joshua Louis Brownhill  |  Adam Bruce  |  Tinashe Chakwana  |  Dimitris Christofi  |  James Clarke  |  Ryan Cooney  |  Joshua Jon Cullen  |  Owen Joël Dodgson  |  Anthony Driscoll-Glennon  |  James Gerard Dunne  |  Conrad Jonathan Egan Riley  |  Marcel Patrick Joshua Elva Fountaine  |  Maxime Estève  |  Miles Fenton  |  Sean Fogarty  |  Lewis Joshua Forshaw  |  Lyle Brent Foster  |  Michael Fowler  |  Joshua Lloyd Ginnelly  |  Étienne Stephen Green  |  William Grogan  |  Robert William Harker  |  William Harris  |  Alexander Jack Healy Byrne  |  Benson Hedilazio Manuel  |  Mark Howarth  |  Luka Warrik Daeovie Koleosho  |  Adam Richard Legzdiņš  |  Matthew John Lowton  |  Kwasinkosi M'pofu  |  Dane Neil McCullough  |  George James McMahon  |  Michael Mellon  |  João Mendes de Assis Moreira  |  Conor Mitchell  |  Dylan Moonan  |  Tee N'tumba Massanka  |  Mike Trésor Ndayishimiyé  |  Lewis Norvock  |  Kane Mazo Patterson  |  Lucas Pires Silva  |  Jacob Frank Porteous Cork  |  Edon Pruti  |  Aaron James Ramsey  |  Nathan Daniel Jérôme Redmond  |  Lewis Richardson  |  Connor Richard John Roberts  |  Anders Rosenkrantz Lindegaard  |  Akim Samms  |  Jonjo Richard Shelvey  |  Oliver Sonne Christensen  |  Aiden Stone  |  Bobby Craig Thomas  |  Max Thompson  |  James Trafford  |  Ne-Jai Tucker  |  Samuel Michael Vokes  |  Ashley Roy Westwood  |  Alexander James Whitmore  |  Keelan Ellis Williams  |  Joseph Adrian Worrall  |  Oliver Younger

The following Players are on loan Burnley FC
Marcus Jonathan Edwards  |  Bashir Humphreys  |  Gabriel Paweł Słonina  |  Jeremy Leonel Sarmiento Morante

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